News and Announcements


In preparation for the upcoming Field Hockey BC Annual General Meeting on February 8th, 2023 (6.30pm), the Field Hockey BC Board of Directors and Staff wish to reach out to inform the membership that the 2023 AGM will be hosted in a VIRTUAL capacity utilizing both video conference and web-based voting technology. This is a similar format to that followed successfully by FHBC for both the 2021 and 2022 AGM.

FHBC will again be providing a series of advance notices to membership beginning with this communique outlining a calendar timeframe for the submission of information and documentation ahead of the 2023 virtual AGM:

AGM Date: February 8, 2023 at 6.30pm
Deadline for Submission of Nominations to the Board of Directors: January 19, 2023
Deadline for Submission of Formal Motions: January 19, 2023
Release and Posting of Proxy Form Template: January 20, 2023
Deadline for Submission of Proxy Form to FHBC: February 3, 2023
Deadline to Register as an Individual Voter: February 5, 2023
Deadline to Register Questions in advance of the AGM (Optional): February 6, 2023
Virtual AGM Trial Run (Internal): February 7, 2023

The timeline above recognizes the level of complexity required when considering a virtually hosted AGM and in particular sets realistic submission deadlines designed to enable FHBC to pre-load election, motion, and voting detail into the supporting technology. Once such detail has been pre-loaded sufficient time remains for FHBC to communicate with members (most specifically voting members) as to how such technology will be utilized both in advance of and at the AGM.

FHBC intends to provide similar AGM updates/reminders scheduled for membership dissemination on January 16, 2023; January 20, 2023; and January 30, 2023. Each AGM update is intended to provide guidance as to due process ahead of pertinent calendar deadlines.

This first AGM notice provides the opportunity to introduce due process for nominations to the FHBC Board of Directors:

FHBC Board of Director Nominations

The following four FHBC Board of Director positions are up for election in 2023:

  • Vice-President
  • Domestic Director
  • Marketing Director
  • Athlete Program Director

FHBC has posted the terms of reference for each position above and the applicable nomination form in the General Meeting Documents section of the FHBC website under the heading 2023 FHBC AGM. To nominate an individual for any of the Board of Director positions above, please complete a nomination form and return the form by January 19, 2023 to A reminder will be included in the January 16, 2023 update to follow.

In the meantime, please do not hesitate to reach out and contact us at should you have any questions regarding the 2023 FHBC AGM.


Thank you to everyone who contributed Mustard Seed donations in December! Vice President Shelley Andrews delivered several boxes of food, clothes and other necessities last week.

Your generosity and kindness will go along way.

Happy holidays!

Photos of the drop off on Facebook:


The Holiday season is around the corner and in lieu of the VILFHA Christmas Meeting & Social that used to take place, the league is setting up a collection at the field in support of our community.

On Wednesday Dec. 7 and Saturday Dec. 10 there will be collection bins at the field and VILFHA encourages every member of playing teams to bring one or a few items to donate to the Mustard Seed on these days. Feel free to also collect more on your practice dates and then VILFHA will deliver this to the Mustard Seed Church and Food Bank. Please see the below guidelines. A box will be set up by the end of the first game on that date.

Current requests for donations

  • Sources of protein like peanut butter, canned fish (eg. Tuna) and canned meats (eg. Chicken, beef)
  • Healthy nonperishables (e.g., cereal, beans, pasta, canned vegetables and fruit)
  • Female hygiene Products
  • Toothpaste
  • Toilet Paper
  • Warm Clothes in new or very good condition (coats, mitts, socks, hats)

Items we won’t or are not taking

  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Furniture
  • Kitchen supplies

Questions? Please connect with


The Oak Bay senior girls field hockey team won the silver medal at the recent BC AAA Championships on Nov. 11 in Surrey, B.C. The team faced off with the perennial powerhouse from the North Shore, the Handsworth Royals and after a 0-0 tie, lost out in a shootout. It was an outstanding performance for the young team who graduate several key players last season. Oak Bay dominated the second half but a 0-0 scoreline was indicative of the play. It was familiar territory as Oak Bay beat Handworth in a shootout just the season before at the same championships.

After five rounds of shoot outs, the teams were again tied at 2-2, with goals by Maia Lawrence and Irene Morillas, and the outstanding goalkeeping of Anais Chace. In the sudden death shoot out, Handsworth took the title. Fellow Vancouver Island competitotrs, Cowichan Secondary, were out in full force to support Oak Bay, giving the more local Handsworth Royals fans serious cheering competition.

In addition to the silver medal, the Oak Bay team also won the BC AAA Field Hockey Fair Play Award. It was rare for a team in the final win this award but it was a credit to the team and their coaching staff for how they represented themselves on the field. The Fair Play Award is selected by the umpires through voting after each game. Teams are evaluated not only on their interactions with opponents and umpires, but also in how the team behaves and interacts with each other, including coach behaviour.

“We are beyond proud of this team,” said head coach Meena Sran. “It is a huge feat to make the finals two years ago, with such massive change on the team from last season to this season.”

The Oak Bay team started the season with seven returning players, but most playing different positions than last season. New coaches, Sran and Heather Benson, manager Carla Unger, and nine new faces including five international students. One week after school started, and after only two practices, the team finished second at the Friendship Cup. They went on to win the John Ferreira tournament shortly after, and Island Championships with a victory over Cowichan Secondary in a very competitive game.

At the BC AAA Championship, a very solid performance from a young Cowichan Secondary team also represented Vancouver Island. They upset the 4th seed, Churchill, in pool play to top Pool D. A tough shoot out loss in their quarter final to Heritage Woods meant an ‘all Island’ final was no longer possible. They had a very tight game against Kelowna for fifth place, losing 1-0. Coaches Ashton Aumen, Caitlin Erickson, Perri Espeseth and manager, Karen Birch, are to be congratulated on their teams competitive play and improvement throughout the season.

Congratulations to all the players and coaches for their performance and for representing Vancouver Island so well.

Photo: Oak Bay. Captains Bronte Thurbide, Maryn Unger and Maddie Hunter


The St. Michael’s University School senior girls field hockey team capped off a banner season with an exciting first-placed finish finish at the AA BC championships, hosted by SMUS at UVic from November 2-4. This is the first time since the 1990s that the the SMUS senior girls team brought home the provincial title.

In the provincial championship, there were comfortable wins against Keremeos, Southridge and York House in pool play, followed by a hard-fought quarter final win, 2-0, over Windsor with goals from Amanda Adams (Lynx) and Mia Muller (Lynx). This set up a repeat match against York House, who upset Crofton in another quarter-final. The SMUS team decisively beat York House 3-0 in the semifinal with two penalty strokes finished by Eva Cuddihy and an empty net goal for Kendyll Adams. This was sweet revenge against York House who had beaten SMUS the previous year.

The final against Little Flower Academy was a game of two halves with SMUS dominating in the first half, but not finishing many attacks, and LFA coming back strongly in the second half and opening the scoring with a well-taken penalty corner goal. With time almost running out, a breakaway into the LFA end saw Eva Cuddihy score over the goalie with 90 seconds remaining. With the game tied at 1-1 each at the end of regular time, the always intense shootout was the deciding factor. Fortunately for SMUS, the calm finishes by Amanda Adams, Rebecca Stone and Allegra Nelson, plus three saves out of five from SMUS goalie Talia Pike, gave SMUS the 3-2 shootout victory. The large crowd in the stands and people watching the game on the livestream were relieved and excited!

Other notable finishes from local Victoria and South Vancouver Island teams in the 16 team AA BC championship tournament were Glenlyon Norfolk School (8th), Brentwood College (9th) and Shawnigan Lake School (10th).

The SMUS field hockey team has had its most successful season in the school’s history, winning 5 out of 6 available trophies (the 6th was a shootout loss to Crofton in the final of the Bridgman Cup), and showcasing high class field hockey, but also excellent camaraderie and sportsmanship as well. The tour to Germany in August helped create the foundations for the current amazing successful high school season, and the young athletes should be applauded for all their accomplishments this season. Congratulations to SMUS coaches Dave Kerr (Rebels) and Stef Sloboda.