News and Announcements


Provincial Umpiring Clinic

Dates: Thursday November 7th and Thursday November 14th (registration cut off: Friday November 1st)
Location : PISE
Times: November 7th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm and Thursday November 14th 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Instructor: Denise McGeachy

Register for the course

This clinic is open to anyone. We recommend that young learners take the Community umpiring course first (though it is not mandatory).

Those who have previously taken an umpiring course and are unsure of their current standing should review this list:

If your name does not appear on this list, it means your certification has expired.

**If you are a player – you could probable go just to learn!

The upcoming Bridgman Cup on Thanksgiving weekend runs from Oct. 11 until Oct. 13. This premier high school field hockey tournament in BC was resurrected by Liz Hawes in 1992. Since that time, many women who play field hockey with VILFHA have enjoyed this tournament. The quality of the tournament is only due to the tremendous efforts from current and past volunteers.

The organizers need volunteers to help for a couple hours during the tournament, specifically to help run the Tech table. This requires you to start the game clock, help the substitutes enter and exit the game and record the goal scorers. There are tents which will keep you dry, most of the time. It is a great way to watch a few games, while helping out the sport you love.

Each game starts on the hour with 25 minute halves.

  • Games on Friday, October 11, start at 10 am and last game ends at 6 pm.
  • Games on Saturday, October 12, start at 8 am and last game ends at 5 pm (2 hour lunch break between 11 am and 1 pm)
  • Games on Sunday, October 13, start at 8 am and last game ends at 3 pm

If you are interested in helping for 2 hours, please contact Alison Sweeten via email ( or text (250 516-4455)


Field Hockey Victoria are working closely with the University of Victoria to be proactive in communicating field closures due to weather or other issues.

As a reminder, UVic has a field status page that they will update. Please ensure you read carefully to see if the field is closed JUST for the morning or for the whole day.

We will endeavor to also communicate to the team reps and umpires as well but the field status page is the priority for communication from UVic.

View Field Status:



Women’s League begins on Saturday, Sept. 7. Please ensure everyone is registered with Field Hockey BC and with your respective teams and clubs.

Saturday, September 7th
9:00am – Lynx 3 vs Pirates
10:30am – Demons vs Devils
10:30am – Patriots vs Flickers (Duncan)
12:00pm – Bluejays vs Cardinals (Duncan)
12:30 pm – Vikes Men’s Premier Game vs. West Vancouver
2:00pm – Lynx 2 vs Sailors
3:30pm – Lynx 1 vs Mariners

Questions? E-mail

Photo Credit: Island Wave Photography (Chris Wilson)


The VILFHA Fall Annual General Meeting will be held:
Tuesday, September 3 at 7 pm
Lower Clubhouse, Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre, 1767 Island Highway

Please see map of Juan de Fuca Recreation Centre at (Lower Clubhouse is “p” on the map)

  • As per Regulations 4.1 c) Fines shall be imposed on any team: iv. For not having a Team Rep at Council meetings and/or General Meetings $25.00

The meeting agenda is attached to this notice. We will be ratifying the 2019 Fall schedule at this meeting and reviewing the adoption of International Hockey Federation rule changes. We will also be putting forward the following motions to amend VILFHA regulations:

Motion: To delete clause 5.2© of the VILFHA Rules and Regulations which states:

_5.2© The duration of all league games shall be two (2) periods of thirty-five (35) minutes each. No overtime shall be played in league play. _

Motion: Following the deletion of clause 5.2©, motion to renumber the remainder of the subclauses 5.2 into sequential order.

There are two Executive positions that need to be voted on. Job descriptions are as follows:

Chair all meetings of the Association.
•Chair all meetings of the Executive and Council.
•Be a signing officer of the Association.
•Represent the Association, or delegate others to represent the Association, on appropriate occasions.
•Act as Chair of the Discipline Committee.

Director of League Operations:
– Oversee the activities of the League Operations Coordinators and ensure that tasks are completed in a timely fashion.
– Offer support and direction to her Committee members.
– Ensure that the playing objectives of the Association are met in that all teams play games on a regular basis, teams are treated fairly in terms of the use of the fields, umpiring assignments and schedule, and all teams are informed of changes to the schedule and other pertinent intonation
-Compile weekly results and standings
-Attend Executive and Council meetings to report on the activities of her committee.

We look forward to seeing you on September 3!