News and Announcements


Last night, Sept. 17, a small group of the Vancouver Island field hockey community gathered to have a belated celebration of Pat Hall’s 2020 induction into the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame.

Read more:

The evening featured an impressive display of articles, photos and memorabilia spanning Pat’s involvement in field hockey. Long time friend Shelley Andrews, who was coached by Hall at Oak Bay High, emceed the event in entertaining fashion, while an impromptu open mic followed. Kind words followed from former VILFHA president Denise McGeachy, current Umpires Association President Alison Sweeten, as well as remarks from Anne Batey, Denise Hall and players who have been coached by or played with Pat. It was truly a community evening with representation from all current clubs as well as past members including Craig Wilson, Liz Munn and Ev Sigalet.

VILFHA hosted the event so that all donations and ticket contributions could support the FHBC Pat Hall Officials Development Award. This award is designed to promote the development of Vancouver Island umpires and technical officials. An award of up to $500 will be allocated each year to successful applicants. In order to be eligible for this award, applicants must be a member in good standing with Field Hockey BC and an active official within National, Provincial or Club based programming.

The award was created by VILFHA when Pat retired from a long, long-standing term on the executive.

VILFHA is pleased to announce that $1,160 was raised last night.

Thank you to everyone who contributed in congratulations to Pat!

See photos from the event last night on Facebook at:


Due to umpires moving away and moving into retirement, all island field hockey leagues will be short umpires for this coming season. Those umpires who have not returned umpired about 20% of Spring 2022 games. Gillian Batey will continue to allocate umpires for VILFHA games this coming season but there may be times when she doesn’t find an umpire.

Teams may need to provide an umpire for half a game or a full game using players or capable spectators. The team umpire doesn’t have to be team member, but they need to be competent to blow a whistle and support their other umpire. The allocated umpire will NOT be left to umpire the game by themselves.

If teams aren’t prepared to provide an umpire, then the game will not happen.

To get more certified umpires, Field Hockey BC and Field Hockey Canada are offering umpire courses free to registered members. See FHBC website:

This is a good chance to understand the rules as a player, too.

If clubs or teams want an education opportunity organized just for them, please contact Alison Sweeten: The Umpires Association need at least 6 people to give a Provincial course. There are several people on Vancouver Island who can do this so don’t be afraid to ask how the Umpire’s Association (VILFHUA) can help with your education.

If you have questions or comments, please contact
Alison Sweeten_
President, Vancouver Island Umpire Association (VIFHUA)

Gillian Batey
Umpire Coordinator


The season is fast approaching and we would like to draw your attention to the start of season Annual General Meeting. Date, details and zoom link are below. There will be no in-person meeting. Agenda to follow.

Please note: As per 4.1 c) iv. your team will be fined $25.00 for not having a Team Rep at Council Meetings and/or General Meetings

Tentative season start date: Sunday, Sept. 18 in Cowichan, followed by Sept. 24-25 in Cowichan, and then hopefully by Oct. 1 UVic will be open

Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022 at 7:00 pm
via Zoom

Topic: VILFHA Annual General Meeting (2022-23 Season)
Time: Sep 13, 2022 07:00 PM Vancouver

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 6926 7739
Password: 199990
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While long overdue, the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association (VILFHA) are excited to host a celebration event and fundraiser in honour of long-time field hockey builder Patricia Hall who was inducted in to the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame in October 2021. VILFHA is pleased to host this celebratory event and tickets will be sold by donation (min. $10 per person).

Event Details
•Date: Saturday, September 17, 2022
•Time: 7:30 – 9:30 pm
•Location: Windsor Pavillion (2451 Windsor Road, Victoria BC, V8S 5H3)
•Tickets: min. $10 donation paid by e-transfer to (Please include your name in the e-transfer notes)

Register online:

Deadline: September 10, 2022

Note: one person can purchase multiple tickets on the above registration link. That person will be the main contact from the event organizers.

All ticket sale funds from this event support the Pat Hall Officials Development Award. This award is designed to promote the development of Vancouver Island umpires and technical officials. An award of up to $500 will be allocated each year to successful applicants. In order to be eligible for this award, applicants must be a member in good standing with Field Hockey BC and an active official within National, Provincial or Club based programming.

On May 8, 2021 the Board of the Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame (GVSHoF) announced the names of the athletes and builders who will be inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2020. She was finally honoured in person in October 2021.

In addition to four athletes – Bobby Ross (Rugby), Bob McLaren (Athletics), Joanne Mick (Softball) and Donnie Orr (Boxing) – our very own Pat Hall will be inducted as a Builder for Multi-Sports, along with the Vancouver Island Soccer League.

“For over 50 years, Pat has been involved with Field Hockey locally, provincially and nationally at all levels of the game from junior to senior. From 1961 to 1988, she was an active player with the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association (VILFA). She began coaching in 1970 and umpiring in 1973, co-founding the South Island Field Hockey Umpires Association in 1988.

Although retiring as an umpire in 2000, Pat continues to coach teams in various divisions. Pat served on the executive of the VILFHA for over 40 years and has held many positions on the Boards of the BC and Canadian Women’s Field Hockey Associations.

She has received numerous awards over the years including Victoria Sports Person of the Year, Sport BC President’s Award, VILFHA Life Membership and, in 2013, the VILFA introduced the Pat Hall Officials Development Award.
Her contributions to Softball are almost as numerous. She became involved with the Stuffy McGinnis Softball League in 1960 and served as President from 1975-1993. From 1987 to 1999, Pat was Softball BC Senior District Coordinator and in 1996, led the restructuring of junior softball into three levels.”

Read the full article by the GVSHoF:

Please e-transfer your registration funds to with the Primary Registrant’s name in the notes section.

Please RSVP with this form and payment by September 10, 2022.
Details will be sent to confirmed attendees.

For questions, e-mail:


Field Hockey BC has officially launched their new Membership Registration System Partnership with Field Hockey Canada for 2022-23. This is important for all members:

- Every field hockey player, coach and official is required to register as an individual member ahead of active participation in any given season. The calendar season is September 1st to August 31st inclusive. ​
- Each member is required to pay a membership fee to BOTH Field Hockey BC (FHBC) and Field Hockey Canada (FHC) unless otherwise stated
- The online membership registration system will provide the opportunity for the payment of both FHBC and FHC fees within a single transaction. These fees will not need to be considered as part of your annual club fee structure.
- All individual memberships will involve an online registration process, the system for which is accessible from the FHBC website.
- Members only need to formally register as a member in ONE category.
- Some members may be players, coaches and/or officials and under these circumstances, members are required to register in the category with the HIGHEST fee (see the table here for reference).
- The option to register will be open throughout the year with the membership year again running September 1 – August 31. – Memberships purchased at any point in the season will always and only be valid until August 31 of that same season.

To access the online Membership Registration System, an existing or new member is directed to the FHBC Website and specifically to the 2022-23 Membership Page at the following link:

The 2022-23 Membership Page provides detail as to the Step-by-Step Guide on “How To” Register for a 2022-23 Membership, as well as other membership related details. This page will be updated as necessary in the lead into the official opening of the registration system on August 16, 2022. A notice confirming that 2022-23 membership registration is open will be circulated and posted on the FHBC website homepage on August 16, 2022.

FHBC again appreciates that any change to a Membership Registration process has the ability to impact the time taken by the BC Membership to navigate such change. FHBC remains extremely appreciative of the BC memberships patience as we move through this collective change together. Please do keep the membership registration questions coming. These can be directed to the following e-mail address at The Society staff remain committed to providing as much clarity as possible in the lead into and throughout the 2022-23 season.


Register now: